Crypto API Documentation

FCS provides easy to use and integratable Crypto API, meant for developer’s first choice.

Whats New in Crypto API Version 3

    • Add 5 digitis currency prices (also effect Version 2).
    • Ask, Bid prices add in Latest, Candle and Cross API endpoint.
    • Last Candle API now support all symbols and also 1 pervious closed candle.
    • Update Latest API endpoint.
    • Support 2h and 4h Time frame.

Learn More about GET VS POST .

Crypto API

Supported by 35+ crypto exchange data sources, the FCS crypto API delivers real-time rates for 1,500+ cryptocurrencies and 5,000+ coin combinations. FCS API allows you to access the latest crypto prices for all or specific coin pairs, retrieve historical coin rate data, analyze market trends with technical indicators and moving averages, and check supply details—covering timeframes from 1 minute to 1 month. Whether you're looking for the Best Crypto API, a Free Crypto API for testing, or Live Crypto Rates for accurate market tracking, FCS API has you covered.

API Request Credit Usage

All APIs endpoint count 1 credit for every URL request. But 4 endpoint count 1 credit per 100 record return. In Free Plan user allow to request on any API 500 times in 1 month. Each API URL request count 1 credit. But some endpoint credit count by response.

    • Only Latest price API, Candle API, Profile API, Supply API count 1 credit per 100 record return.
    • Request count only when response code is {200} and return some record.
    • If API endpoints that return an error or empty responses are not count in request.
    • Login in your account to see your request usage.
    • Request limit refresh every month of your billing date.
Your Plan

You're not logged in.

Get Your API Key

Get Started

FCS API is designed to overcome the challenges users and developers face when accessing Cryptocurrency APIs. We offer a comprehensive suite of tools, making it effortless to retrieve the crypto data you need. This crypto API provides responses in JSON format, as the majority of developers prefer JSON for seamless integration.

Every API request returns data in a standard JSON structure, which can be easily converted into other formats if required. Our services support multiple programming languages, allowing users to send API requests using their preferred technology.

API Access Key

To use our crypto API, users must obtain an API key upon sign up. Each user receives a unique access key for the Crypto API, which authenticates with the FCS API by including it in the base URL’s access_key parameter.


Maximum 10 URL hits allow per minute for single IP. Please set multiple ids or symbols in the URL to reduce API requests. You can make your work efficient by getting multiple crypto data at once. If you need more Request/minute please contact us.

Crypto Symbols List

The Crypto Symbol List comprises two abbreviated coin name combinations. To visualize lines, points, and polygons on a designated graphics layer in crypto, symbols are essential. You can access all available crypto IDs directly from our database. We offer historical and real-time data in JSON format, making it simple to obtain a full list of supported cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, our crypto API endpoint is regularly updated, ensuring up-to-the-minute currency information.

  • access_key = API_KEY
  • type = When you want a specific type of symbols Forex/Crypto currency.

    Default: forex
    Valid values: forex, crypto

  • output = Set your API response format.

    Default: json
    Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array


We provide a huge collection of crypto symbols, so you can easily use Free Crypto API to get the latest price, price converter, historical and technical signals.
Response Attributes:
status: boolean

The status of this request's response.

code: integer

The code of this request's response.

msg: string

The massage of this request's response.

response: array
id: integer

ID assigned by the symbol.

name: string

Full name.

symbol: string

The name of symbol.

decimal: integer

The price for total decimal.

info: array
server_time: string

A result of server time.

credit_count: integer

Total credit count API.

Response Object
  "status": true,
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Successfully",
  "response": [
      "id": 75,
      "name": "Bitcoin US Dollar",
      "symbol": "BTC/USD",
      "decimal": 2
      "id": 79,
      "name": "Ethereum US Dollar",
      "symbol": "ETH/USD",
      "decimal": 2
  "info": {
      "server_time": "2023-09-06 21:53:51 UTC",
      "credit_count": 1

Crypto Coin Profile Details

Users can explore comprehensive details about cryptocurrencies, such as the currency name, country of origin, associated bank, and more. By utilizing the crypto ID, you can fetch currency profiles, receiving a response enriched with multiple indexed data points.

Request Credit Usage:

1 credit count for each 100 record returned (rounded up).

  • access_key = API_KEY
  • id = Any valid ID

    To get all list of Crypto ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.

  • symbol = Any valid short name

    Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.

  • output = Set your API response format.

    Default: json
    Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array

Request by ID's',79,80&access_key=API_KEY

Request by symbol combination,ETH/USD,XRP/USD&access_key=API_KEY

Request by currency short name
Response Object
  "status": true,
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Successfully",
  "response": [
      "slug": "bitcoin",
      "name": "Bitcoin",
      "symbol": "BTC",
      "category": "coin",
      "short_name": "BTC",
      "website": "https:\\\",
      "icon": "https:\\\\assets\\images\\slug\\bitcoin.png",
      "icon1": "https:\\\\assets\\images\\coin\\btc.png",
      "urls": {
        "technical_doc": "https:\\\\bitcoin.pdf",
        "twitter": null,
        "reddit": "https:\\\\r\\bitcoin",
        "announcement": null,
        "source_code": "https:\\\\bitcoin\"
      "type": "crypto"
  "info": {
      "server_time": "2025-01-08 14:08:08 UTC",
      "credit_count": 1

Crypto Currency Converter API

The currency converter is crucial for exchanging prices between two selected currencies. To access it, simply connect the Crypto API request with the symbols parameter in the URL.


Below API doesnt support multiple crypto symbols in URL. Use only one Symbol name for each request.

  • access_key = API_KEY
  • symbol = Any valid short name

    Note: At least one "symbol" or "pair1", "pair2" parameter is required.

  • pair = pair1 = EUR & pair2 = USD (Use both at a time).
  • amount = Set your convert price.

    Default: 1

  • output = Set your API response format.

    Default: json
    Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array


It is also support all forex currencies symbols.

Currency Converter API (example symbol)

Currency Converter API (example pair)
Response Attributes:
status: boolean

The status of this request's response.

code: integer

The code of this request's response.

msg: string

The massage of this request's response.

response: array
price_1x_BTC: integer


price_1x_USD: integer


total: integer

Total Price x amount (Amount * 1 USD) = Total (USD)

info: array
server_time: string

A result of server time.

credit_count: integer

Total credit count API.

Response Object
  "status": true,
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Successfully",
  "response": {
    "price_1x_BTC": 95,447.67,
    "price_1x_USD": 1,
    "total": 95,447.67
  "info": {
      "server_time": "2025-03-18 12:27:39 UTC",
      "credit_count": 1

Crypto Latest Price API

We deliver up-to-the-minute market prices that are simple to access. Additionally, you can fetch prices for multiple currencies simultaneously by specifying the currency ID or symbol code in the API parameters.


Prices update in every 30 seconds to 1minute

Request Credit Usage:

1 credit count for each 100 record returned (rounded up).

  • access_key = API_KEY
  • id = Any valid ID

    To get all list of Crypto ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.

  • symbol = Any valid short name

    Default: none
    Valid values: any valid short name, all_crypto

    Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.

  • output = Set your API response format.

    Default: json
    Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array

Request by ID's' Multiple or Single,79,80&access_key=API_KEY

Request by symbol Multiple or Single,ETH/USD&access_key=API_KEY

All Prices at once: (return all latest prices of crypto currencies)
Response Attributes:
status: boolean

The status of this request's response.

code: integer

The code of this request's response.

msg: string

The massage of this request's response.

response: array
id: integer

ID assigned by the symbol

o: integer

Market open price

h: integer

Market high price

l: integer

Market low price

c: integer

Market close/current price

a: integer

Ask price

b: integer

Bid price

sp: integer

Spread price

ch: integer

Change price

cp: string

Change in percentage

t: integer

When update last time Time Unix Format (UTC)

s: string

The name of symbol

tm: string

When update last time (UTC)

info: array
server_time: string

A result of server time.

credit_count: integer

Total credit count API.

Response Object
  "status": true,
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Successfully",
  "response": [
      "id": 78,
      "o": 99971.0,
      "h": 100850.0,
      "l": 94648.0,
      "c": 95348.0,
      "ch": -4623,
      "cp": "-4.62%",
      "t": 1679086794,
      "s": "BTC/USD",
      "tm": "2023-03-17 20:59:54"
  "info": {
      "server_time": "2023-03-18 13:01:45 UTC",
      "credit_count": 1

Last Candle Prices (Support Time Period)

Last candle return latest and closed candle prices with selected time period.


Crypto Last Candle API only support valid suppoted ID or name from our active crypto list, and candle API is less accurate then history and latest API becuase its update every 60 seconds.

Request Credit Usage:

1 credit count for each 100 record returned (rounded up).

  • access_key = API_KEY
  • id = Any valid ID

    To get all list of Crypto ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.

  • symbol = Any valid short name

    Default: none
    Valid values: any valid short name, all_crypto

    Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.

  • period = Any supported time period

    It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, pivot points. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
    Default: 1h
    Valid values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
    Alternate Values: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200

  • candle = Any supported candle value

    Default: both
    Valid values: active, close, both

    Active: Return current candle.
    Close: Return 1 previous closed candle.
    Both: Return 2 latest candle.

  • output = Set your API response format.

    Default: json
    Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array

Request by ID's' Multiple or Single,79,80&access_key=API_KEY

Request by symbol Multiple or Single,ETH/USD&period=1d&candle=active&access_key=API_KEY

All Prices at once: (return all candle prices of crypto currencies)

The candle response only returns 2 last candle of each single currency and time period from the chart. If you want only latest price, Please use "Latest Price" API, If you need more previous candles please use Forex Historical API.

Response Attributes:
status: boolean

The status of this request's response.

code: integer

The code of this request's response.

msg: string

The massage of this request's response.

response: array
id: integer

ID assigned by the symbol

o: integer

Market open price

h: integer

Market high price

l: integer

Market low price

c: integer

Market close/current price

a: integer

Ask price

b: integer

Bid price

sp: integer

Spread price

t: integer

When update last time Time Unix Format (UTC)

ch: integer

Change price

cp: string

Change in percentage

s: string

The name of symbol

tm: string

When update last time (UTC)

up: string

When update last price

info: array
server_time: string

A result of server time.

credit_count: integer

Total credit count API.

Response Object
  "status": true,
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Successfully",
  "response": [
      "id": 78,
      "o": 99971.0,
      "h": 100850.0,
      "l": 94648.0,
      "c": 95348.0,
      "a": 95349.0,
      "b": 95348.0,
      "sp": 100,
      "ch": -4623,
      "cp": "-4.62%",
      "t": 1679086794,
      "s": "BTC/USD",
      "tm": "2023-03-17 20:59:54"
  "info": {
      "server_time": "2023-03-18 13:01:45 UTC",
      "credit_count": 1

Currency Base

On the base of 1 currency, it will return all quote prices of all available currencies.


Above all are not current quote price it is just for sample response, you can use API to get current quote price.

  • access_key = API_KEY
  • symbol = Any valid short name
  • type = When you want a specific type of symbols Forex/Crypto currency.

    Default: forex
    Valid values: forex, crypto, both

    Forex: If type = forex, & symbol = EUR, so you'll receive quotes of 140+ Forex currencies, e.g: EUR/JPY, EUR/GBP.
    Crypto: If type = crypto, & symbol = EUR, so you'll receive quotes of 1500+ Crypto currencies, e.g: EUR/BTC, EUR/ETH.

  • time = 1

    Default: none
    Valid values: 1

  • output = Set your API response format.

    Default: json
    Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array

Request by symbol

Request by price with last update time
Response Object
  "status": true,
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Successfully",
  "response": {
    "BTC": "1.05E-5",
    "ETH": 0.0002762,
    "XRP": 0.4320177,
    "LTC": 0.0097262,
    "ETC": 0.0392157
  "info": {
      "base": "USD",
      "type": "crypto",
      "server_time": "2023-03-18 15:28:01 UTC",
      "credit_count": 1

Historical Price API

Understanding the history and past prices of the coin market is essential for users, as it allows them to compare current market trends with historical data, simplifying analysis. FCS API offer comprehensive historical exchange data for specific symbols. For most symbols, you can explore past rates dating back to 1995, including shorter time frames like 1m, 5m, and up to 6 months of data. With the FCS crypto API, retrieving historical rates is easy—just append a date in (YYYY-MM-DD) format and choose your desired time period (1m, 5m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month).

  • access_key = API_KEY
  • id = Any valid ID

    To get all list of Crypto ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.

  • symbol = Any valid short name

    Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.

  • period = Any supported time period

    It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, pivot points. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
    Default: 1h
    Valid values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
    Alternate values: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200

  • from = Any supported format

    When you access history API and you are looking for any historical data from a specific date, you need to specify date between from/to date by using (from,to) parameter.
    Default: none
    Valid format 1: YYYY-MM-DD E.g: 2018-01-01
    Valid format 2: YYYY-MM-DD E.g: 1661990400 // Unix format
    Valid format 3: YYYY-MM-DDTHour:Min E.g: 2018-01-01T12:30


    When you not set FROM and TO parameters, then it will return latest 300 candles.
    What is T in date format!!! It is nothing, we use it to remove space between time. It has no use and no validation.

  • to = When you access forex history API, It is required with "From" Parameter.

    Same as from

  • level = Any supported value

    When you want more history candles in 1 request.
    Default: 1
    Valid values: 1, 2, and 3

    1: It will return 300 candles.
    2: It will return 600 candles.
    3: It will return 900 candles.

  • output = Set your API response format.

    Default: json
    Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array


You have to keep it in your mind, if you are looking for the latest history, we should not have to assign the “From/To” parameter. It will best and fast response.
In the URL multiple IDs do not support, Through the API request only one ID or symbol you can send at a time. And 2h and 4h return less data due to heavy process in backend.

Request Credit Usage:

1 credit count for each 300 candles returned (rounded up).

Quick Latest 300 Candles History

You can explore the history of the most recent 300 candles via the latest API URL, allowing you to anticipate market trends and assess the current market in relation to these candles. This simplifies the process of forecasting real-time market shifts using the latest candle data.

Request by ID latest 300 candles
History Between Specific Date {YYYY-MM-DD}

You can easily get the historical exchange rate for the specific time period between the two specified dates for all the symbols which are available through the parameter of “From/To”. There are two symbols separated by a slash between them. And for the specific time period, you can see the exchange rate historical data.

Request between specific date-time
Do Not Use FROM & TO Parameter

If you always need an up-to-date history candles, you must take care of the From/To parameter, which should not be assigned and remove them from the URL, then it works better. With FROM and TO parameter it will increase response time.


The response will be seemed by this crypto API in terms of index keys of (o, h, l, c, t, tm). these index keys show the open, high, low and close parameters in crypto for such a different historical candle.

status: boolean

The status of this request's response.

code: integer

The code of this request's response.

msg: string

The massage of this request's response.

response: array
o: integer

Market open price

h: integer

Market high price

l: integer

Market low price

c: integer

Market close/current price

v: integer

Market volume

t: integer

When update last time Time Unix Format (UTC)

tm: string

When update last time (UTC)

info: array
id: integer

ID assigned by the symbol

decimal: integer

The price for total decimal.

symbol: string

The name of symbol

period: string

Time frames data you want

server_time: string

A result of server time.

credit_count: integer

Total credit count API.

Response Object
  "status": true,
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Successfully",
  "response": {
    "1679050800": {
      "o": 93944,
      "h": 95130,
      "l": 91696,
      "c": 92982,
      "v": 1,
      "t": 1679050800,
      "tm": "2023-03-17 11:00:00"
  "info": {
      "id": 78,
      "decimal": 2,
      "symbol": "BTC/USD",
      "period": "1h",
      "server_time": "2023-03-18 16:06:36 UTC",
      "credit_count": 1

CoinMarketCap API

Market capitalization, demand, and supply are essential elements in any cryptocurrency market that investors need to evaluate before making an investment. While some cryptocurrencies have unlimited supply and market cap, others are capped at a fixed amount. To check the most up-to-date market cap for one or more coins, you can utilize our cryptocurrency market cap API. This API delivers precise, real-time market data, including market cap, max supply, circulating supply, and 24-hour total volume, providing valuable insights for developers.


Crypto Market Supply data update frequency is 5-15 minutes.

Request Credit Usage:

1 credit count for each 100 record returned (rounded up).

  • access_key = API_KEY
  • id = Any valid ID

    To get all list of Crypto ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.

  • symbol = Any valid short name

    Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.

  • convert = Currency name to convert price

    Its use to convert USD price into other specific currencies. In order to convert BTC into other Currency, you prefer this parameter for conversion. (maximum 10 currency)
    Default: USD
    Valid values: USD, EUR, JPY, BTC, XRP etc

  • sort = Any supported sort value

    Default: none
    Valid values: rank, price, market_cap, max_supply, total_supply, circulating_supply, vol_24H

  • order = Any supported order value

    Default: ASC
    Valid values: ASC, DESC


    The order parameter will work when the sort parameter is used.

  • start = Any positive number to get start response from.

    Default: 1

  • limit = How many currency you want in response?

    Default: 100

  • output = Set your API response format.

    Default: json
    Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array

Request by symbol,XRP&convert=USD&access_key=API_KEY

Request by sorting,79&sort=rank&limit=50&access_key=API_KEY
Response Object
{  "status": 1,
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Successfully",
  "response": [
      "id": "",
      "rank": 4,
      "name": "XRP",
      "symbol": "XRP",
      "cmc": 52,
      "update": "2 minutes ago",
      "update_time": "2025-01-09 05:55:00",
      "circulating_supply": 57449049415,
      "max_supply": 100000000000,
      "total_supply": 99986708632,
      "quote": {
        "USD": {
          "price": 2.3514835511427,
          "market_cap": 135090494728.15,
          "vol_24H": 8018834810.9456,
          "percentage_change_1h": -0.1774,
          "percentage_change_24h": 2.108,
          "percentage_change_7d": -1.0075
  "info": {
      "server_time": "2025-01-09 05:57:18 UTC",
      "credit_count": 1

Pivot Points API

Users rely on the pivot point API to assess the market. It serves as a key indicator, highlighting the high, low, support, and resistance prices for the current trading day. This API enables users to calculate pivot points, resistance, and support levels in cryptocurrency trading.


In the URL multiple IDs do not support by the mentioned API, Through the API request only one ID or symbol you can send at a time.

  • access_key = API_KEY
  • id = Any valid ID

    To get all list of Crypto ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.

  • symbol = Any valid short name

    Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.

  • period = Any supported time period

    It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, pivot points. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
    Default: 1h
    Valid values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
    Alternate values: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200

  • output = Set your API response format.

    Default: json
    Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array

Request by ID

Pivot Point response include latest candle pivot point, 3 Resistance and 3 Support points in selected time period.

Response Object
  "status": true,
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Successfully",
  "response": {
    "pivot_point": {
      "classic": {
          "pp": 1.0746,
          "R1": 1.0758,
          "R2": 1.077,
          "R3": 1.0782,
          "S1": 1.0734,
          "S2": 1.0722,
          "S3": 1.071
      "fibonacci": {...},
      "camarilla": {...},
      "woodie": {...},
      "demark": {...}
    "overall": {
      "summary": "Neutral",
      "change_at": "2024-05-09 10:12:01",
      "msg": "summary based on all SMA,EMA,Pivot Points and indicators"
  "info": {
      "id": 78,
      "decimal": 4,
      "symbol": "EUR/USD",
      "period": "1d",
      "disclaimer": "...",
      "update": "18 seconds ago",
      "update_time": "2024-05-09 10:12:01 UTC",
      "server_time": "2024-05-09 10:12:19 UTC",
      "credit_count": 1

Moving Averages API (MA Lines)

This API streamlines the process for users looking to make informed buying and selling decisions. It delivers real-time moving average values derived from the previous (5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200) candles in the crypto market.


In the URL multiple IDs do not support by the mentioned API, Through the API request only one ID or symbol you can send at a time.

  • access_key = API_KEY
  • id = Any valid ID

    To get all list of Crypto ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.

  • symbol = Any valid short name

    Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.

  • period = Any supported time period

    It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, Moving Averages. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
    Default: 1h
    Valid values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
    Alternate values: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200

  • output = Set your API response format.

    Default: json
    Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array

Request by ID

Request by symbol
Response Object
  "status": true,
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Successfully",
  "response": {
    "count": {
      "Total_Buy": 4,
      "Total_Sell": 6,
      "Total_Neutral": 2
    "ma_avg": {
      "SMA": {
        "MA5": {
          "v": 0.95641,
          "s": "Buy"
        "MA10": {
          "v": 0.95591,
          "s": "Buy"
        "MA20": {...},
        "MA50": {...},
        "MA100": {...},
        "MA200": {...}
      "EMA": {...},
      "summary": "Neutral"
    "overall": {
      "summary": "Neutral",
      "change_at": "2023-08-30 18:23:22",
      "msg": "summary based on all SMA,EMA,Pivot Points and indicators"
  "info": {
      "id": 2,
      "decimal": 4,
      "symbol": "EUR/CHF",
      "period": "1d",
      "disclaimer": "...",
      "update": "just now",
      "update_time": "2023-08-30 18:46:14 UTC",
      "server_time": "2023-08-30 18:46:14 UTC",
      "credit_count": 1

Technical Indicator API

Real-time data is driven by technical indicators. For a specific currency pair, the most recent data point is calculated based on the current values. Leading indicators like MA, RSI, STOCH, ATR, and others determine and deliver their respective values. Our API is built to offer the freshest values for these technical indicators, presenting essential data in the response.


Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only 1 ID/Symbol name at a time with API request.

  • access_key = API_KEY
  • id = Any valid ID

    To get all list of Crypto ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.

  • symbol = Any valid short name

    Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.

  • period = Any supported time period

    It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, Technical Indicator. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
    Default: 1h
    Valid values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
    Alternate values: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200

  • output = Set your API response format.

    Default: json
    Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array

Request by ID

Request by symbol
Response Object
  "status": true,
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Successfully",
  "response": {
    "count": {
      "Total_Buy": 7,
      "Total_Sell": 0,
      "Total_Neutral": 0
    "indicators": {
      "RSI14": {
        "v": 51.9678,
        "s": "Buy"
      "STOCH9_6": {
        "v": 43.0012,
        "s": "Buy"
      "STOCHRSI14": {...},
      "MACD12_26": {...},
      "WilliamsR": {...},
      "CCI14": {...},
      "ATR14": {...},
      "UltimateOscillator": {...},
      "ROC": {...},
      "summary": "Strong Buy"
    "overall": {
      "summary": "Neutral",
      "change_at": "2023-08-30 18:23:22",
      "msg": "summary based on all SMA,EMA,Pivot Points and indicators"
  "info": {
      "id": 2,
      "decimal": 4,
      "symbol": "EUR/CHF",
      "period": "1d",
      "disclaimer": "...",
      "update": "just now",
      "update_time": "2023-08-30 19:14:02 UTC",
      "server_time": "2023-08-30 19:14:02 UTC",
      "credit_count": 1

Multiple URL at Once

When you need to call multiple API endpoints simultaneously, it can be quite time-consuming. You can either develop your own code to handle parallel requests or take advantage of this API.

For example, if you're querying 10 APIs and each takes 2 seconds, that totals 20 seconds. With this API, you can retrieve all 10 results in just 2 seconds!

  • access_key = API_KEY
  • base = url e.g:
  • url[] = enter 1st API url from where you want to get response



Please use URL in url_encode format, also this API params only accepts params in GET format

Example 1
We need to get response from History of 2 Ids Id = 78,79.


Example 2 With Base

Example 3: (multiple parameters for all URL)
We will get BTC/USD latest API, profile, history, indicator.

Example 4: (Simple) (Also support POST format)
We will use similiar parameters only once.
Response Object
"your-array-index-1": [
    "status": true,
    "code": 200,
    "msg": "Successfully",
    "response": [...],
    "info": {
        "server_time": "2023-09-06 21:53:51 UTC",
        "credit_count": 1
"your-array-index-2": [
    "status": true,
    "code": 200,
    "msg": "Successfully",
    "response": [...],
    "info": {
        "server_time": "2023-09-06 21:53:51 UTC",
        "credit_count": 1


Prices, Market trends and signals are not designed for trading purpose, These signals are only for education or non-commercial purpose use. Data contained in this application/website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate and so prices may not be accurate and may differ from the actual market price, meaning prices are indicative and not appropriate for trading purposes. Therefore we doesn`t bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data.
Latest price minimum refresh rate is 20 Seconds.