Rapid API

Rapid API

Rapid API is third party service that help you to connect with our API, Our all APIs are available on rapid api. Rapid API is a bridge between Rapid and FCS API. If you use Rapid API, FCSAPI will give you support, but all payments and connection will manage by Rapid API.

If you use Rapid API

  • FCSAPI will not manage your monthly pricing fee, All prices will handle by Rapid API
  • No Signup Required on FCSAPI
  • You will get All API endpoint that is available on FCSAPI except Real-Time socket API
  • Support provided by FCSAPI
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Rapid API Endpoint

If any endpoint is not available on RapidAPI so follow below instructions.
Example "Forex latest prices" API not available on Rapidapi but Forex currency converter is available then

  • Run any 1 example code from rapidapi, suppose you run currency convert code.
  • Rapidapi code mention this URL https://fcs1.p.rapidapi.com/forex/converter
  • Now open Forex latest endpoint documentation on FCS API.
  • Forex Latest API mention this URL https://fcsapi.com/api/forex/latest
  • Replace FCS URL https://fcsapi.com/api/ with https://fcs1.p.rapidapi.com
  • Your new Forex latest RapidAPI URL is https://fcs1.p.rapidapi.com/forex/latest
  • Now pass Forex latest API parameters accordingly
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Prices, Market trends and signals are not designed for trading purpose, These signals are only for education or non-commercial purpose use. Data contained in this application/website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate and so prices may not be accurate and may differ from the actual market price, meaning prices are indicative and not appropriate for trading purposes. Therefore we doesn`t bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data.
Latest price minimum refresh rate is 5 Seconds