News API Documentation


Collect data from different source of news sites and channels, the FCS delivering news data from worldwide in any sector and in different language.


Parameters Details
find You needs to add some words to search news. The "find" parameter will search in news title, description and content. If words contain anywhere in news, it will return that news.
Default: none. Values: EUR/USD, trump, world war 3, Nasdaq Stocks... etc, any word,

  • Surround keyword in quotes "your words" for exact match.
  • Must word appear in news then add +before words.
    e.g when i search (china cricket) then if any word exist in news it will return that news, but i need news that contain china+cricket {both words} then i will pass parameter like (+china +cricket) -> without brackets
  • Must not appear in news then add -before words.
    e.g Today is Trump birthday, i need all news about him, but not about his birthday, then parameter value (trump -birthday) -> without brackets
find_title If you set your search keywords in "find_title" parameter then it will only search news that contain these words only in news Title.
Enter 1 parameter at a time (Find or Find_title), if "Find" exits in parameter then "find_title" will ignore.

Rules Same as "Find" parameter.
When you access history news API and you are looking for any historical data from a specific date, you need to specify date between from/to date by using (from,to) parameter

Default: none
Format: YYYY-MM-DD E.g: 2018-01-01
OR YYYY-MM-DDTHour:Min E.g: 2018-01-01T12:30
When you access news history API, It is required with "From" Parameter.

Default: none
Format: YYYY-MM-DD E.g: 2018-01-31
OR YYYY-MM-DDTHour:Min E.g: 2018-01-31T12:30

Note: When you not set FROM and TO parameters, then it will return latest 100 News.
You can set language parameter, so API only return all news in your specfied language.
Default: en
Values: ar {Arabic}, de {German}, en {English}, es {Spanish}, fr {French}, it {italian}, nl {Dutch}, pt {Portuguese}, ru {Russian} OR all {all languages}
Return news by sort
Default: latest
latest => return latest news by date.
popular => return famous news first based on source.
match => return most match words in news first.

We update all news on each keywords after every 4 hours, but if you need latest news every time, then you can set "force_update=1" in parameters, but it will charge 1 extra credit in request count.
Default: 0
Values: 0,1
You can spin news title and description to new sentence, to get unique text.
e.g: Title : "I like when you talk with me", Spin Title: "i really like when you speak with me"
Default: 0 Values: 0,1
When you set spin parameter then "force_update" parameter is not required, it will always give you latest news, Spin count 3 credit per request.
Set your API response format.
Default: JSON
Valid Values: JSON, JSONP, object, XML, serialize and array
Note: All parameters are case sensitive, Please specify parameters in lower case (small alphabets).

API Request Credit Usage

Maximum 100 records return per request in any language, it will count 1 credit per request. If you set "force_update=1" then it will count 2 credit. If you set "spin=1" then it will count 5 credit.

  • Request count only when response code is {200} and return some record.
  • If API endpoints that return an error or empty responses are not count in request.
  • You can login in your dashboard to check your usage.
  • Credit refresh each month of your billing date.

News List


Return all Latest news by date that contain words "EUR/USD".

Return all popular news first by source popularity that contain words "investment" (استثمارin Arabic) search all news in arabic language.استثمار&sortby=popular&language=ar&access_key=API_KEY
Most Match:

Return most matched words first, and search in News title only. Stock&sortby=match&access_key=API_KEY
From Specific Date:

Return all news sort by date ASC that contain words "America Market". Market&from=2025-01-15T12:54:36&to=2025-01-16T12:54:36&access_key=API_KEY

After you request on API, It would give you the response in JSON format which you can change, it is up to your need. Moreover, We have characterized our FCS API response in the form of different index keys (id, name, symbol, and decimals) concerning the different popular currencies which you can use according to your requirements.

  "source"(Source news page link),
  "title""News Title",
  "description""News short description",
  "content""First 250 character content from news details content",
  "publishAt""Publish date",
  "source"(Source news page link),
  "title""News Title",
  "description""News short description",
  "content""First 250 character content from news details content",
  "publishAt""Publish date",
98+ More News},