Stock API Documentation

Goto old version 2
Please move your code to version 3 released in Oct 2020, Version 2 will be deprecate soon (after Feb 2021)

Whats New in Stock API Version 3

*) 1 minute historical data add
*) Indices data add
*) Stock Dividends/Yields add
*) Add 20K more stocks from different countries
*) For security GET request is deprecated now you can pass parameters in POST request format

Note: In this document parameters are embed directly in URL (GET request) it is only for quick demo testing, For production API please embed all parameters with POST request.
Learn More about GET VS POST Stackoverflow


Powered by 30+ exchange rate data sources, the FCS API delivering real-time stock exchange rate data for 30+ Countries and 25,000+ Stocks. The FCS provides different API endpoints, each serving a different data response. FCS provides the latest price for all or a specific pair of stock, retrieving historical stocks data for one or multiple stocks, technical indicators for market analyzing, and stock performance includes company income, cash flow, earnings, and financial reporting.

In this document, you will learn how to use API with its parameters, potential unwanted errors and some code examples. After this document, if you face difficulty to understand API structure, you can contact us any time and our team will be happy to help out.

Get Started

FCS API is designed to quickly access tools. Use any programming language to hit on API URL, you will get a response in standard JSON format.
Use Javascript (Ajax), PHP (Curl or file_get_content), Java OR android (HttpURLConnection), C# (httpWebRequest) or CURL from command line

API Access Key
You need API key in order to access our database. Your API Key is the unique key that is passed into the API base URL's access_key parameter in order to authenticate with the FCS API.

Note: Maximum 10 API request allow/minute. Please use multiple ids in the API URL to reduce API requests.

Sample API:
Sign up for free using the button below to use the FCS Quickstart tool.

API Request Credit Usage

All APIs endpoint count 1 credit per URL request. But Latest API endpoint count 1 credit per 100 record return.

  • Only Latest price API count 1 credit per 100 record return, 2 credit/200 records and round up.
  • Request count only when response code is {200} and return some record.
  • If API endpoints that return an error or empty responses are not count in request.
  • You can login in your dashboard to check your usage.
  • Credit refresh each month of your billing date.


Parameters Details
ID Specify Symbol id, Set id in URL parameter to get a stock response
Default: none. Values: 1,2,3... etc,
To get all list of Stock ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
Symbol Symbol parameter uses to get specific stock data by symbol name from the database.
Default: none. Values: {Any valid stock symbol name}

Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" is required. If the ID parameter exists in URL than the symbol parameter will be ignored. You can use any 1 parameter (ID or Symbol) both will return the same result.
Country It is required when you use "All Stocks list" API, so you will get all stock from your selected country. Support 30 Countries
Default: none.
Valid Values:
    brazil, canada, china,
    denmark, dubai, finland, france,
    germany, hong-kong,
    india, indonesia, ireland,
    japan, malaysia, mexico, netherlands,
    pakistan, philippines, russia,
    saudi-arabia, singapore, south-africa, south-korea, spain, sweden, switzerland,
    thailand, turkey, united-arab-emirates, united-kingdom, united-states,

Note: You can set 1 or more country names to get all stocks from multiple countries by comma-separated names.
Sector (Optional) You can filter your stocks list by sector. Accept multi values with "," comma-separated.
Default: none.
Valid Values: Available sectors values are attach with "stock list API" response.
Exchange (Optional) You can filter your stocks list by exchange. Accept multiple value with comma-separated.
Default: none.
Valid Values: Available exchanges values are attach with "stock list API" response.
Indices_id When you need all stocks or all component from specific indices. Set indices_id={indices_id} in URL parameter.
Default: none.
Valid Values: {any valid indices id as shown in "Stock Indices" API}

Note: You can set 1 or more indices id to get all stocks from multiple indices id by comma-separated ids.

Note: If the "Country" parameter exists in URL than the "indices" parameter will be ignored.
Period It is required in a few API requests, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, pivot points. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.

Default: 1h
Valid Values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m,1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
OR Alternate: 1, 5, 15, 30,60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200
When you access history API of any stock and you need historical data from a specific date, you need to specify date between from/to date by using (from, to) parameter

Default: none
Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD E.g: 2018-01-01
OR YYYY-MM-DDTHour:Min E.g: 2018-01-01T12:30
When you access history API.

Default: none
Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD E.g: 2018-01-31
OR YYYY-MM-DDTHour:Min E.g: 2018-01-31T12:30

Note: When you do not specify FROM and TO parameters, then history will return latest 300 candles.

What is T in date format!!! It is nothing, we use it to remove space between time. It has no use and no validation.
Only used in "History API", when you want more history candles in 1 request.
Default: 1 Values: 1,2 or 3
If you enter Level=1 it will return 300 candles, Level=2 return 600 and Level=3 return 900 history candles
Set your API response format.
Default: json
Valid Values: json, object, xml, serialize and array
Note: All parameters are case sensitive, Please specify parameters in lower case (small alphabets).

Stocks - Indices

You can get all the list of supported indices in your favorite country. You can use these indices ids in the "All Stocks List" API. Enter your indice's country name to get all its indices list.

country={any valid supported country name}

Indices by country:
Indices by multiple country:,turkey,indonesia&access_key=API_KEY
  "id"1, // Indicies ID
  "index_name""Nasdaq" // Indicies Name
  "full_name""Nasdaq Composite" // Indicies Name

  "category_name""Topix 500 Value" // Indicies Name
  "full_name""Topix 500 Value" // Indicies Name
and more}

All Supported Stocks List

You can get all list of our supported stocks names, ids, short name and country name.

country={any valid supported country name} OR
indices_id={any valid supported indices id} (country will ignore)
sector={any valid sector, e.g: technology, construction} (optional)
exchange={any valid exchange name e.g: NYSE, BSE, JPX} (optional)

List of all countries, exchanges and sectors are avialabe Here

Stock list by country:,Japan&access_key=API_KEY
Stock list by sector:,energy&access_key=API_KEY
    * From specific country:
    * From specific exchange:
Stock list by exchange:,nasdaq,paris&access_key=API_KEY
Stock list by indices id:,2,3&access_key=API_KEY
Stock list by sector:
  "name""Advanced Micro Devices Inc",
  "sector""Technology", // Stock Sector
  "exch""Nasdaq", // Exchange name
  "ccy""USD" // Stock currency symbol

  "name""Apple Inc",
  "sector""Technology", // Stock Sector
  "exch""Nasdaq", // Exchange name
  "ccy""USD" // Stock currency symbol
Many More Stock List}

Stock Latest Price API

The most common part of API is to get the latest price of stocks, You can get one or multiple stock prices at the same time. To do so, simply append the stock ID/symbol parameter to your API request and set it to one or more by comma-separated.
Note: Prices update in every 30 seconds

id={any valid supported stock id}
symbol={any valid supported stock short name}

indices_id={valid index id} (It will ignore ID/Symbol parameter)
country={valid country name to get all stocks} (It will ignore ID/Symbol parameter)
exchange={valid exchange name}
sector={valid sector name}
Available exchages/sector names from specific country will return with API response, to get all countires, exchanges and sectors list   Check Here

Request Credit Usage: 1 credit count for each 100 record returned (rounded up).

Stock Prices API:,2,3,4,5&access_key=API_KEY
Stocks by symbol:,AAPL,MSFT,FB&access_key=API_KEY

Get Apple stock from specific exchange:
E.g: Apple stock is available on multiple exchanges (Nasdaq,mexico, turkey, switzerland) and you want prices from nasdaq and mexico. so use symbol with exchange parameter.,mexico&access_key=API_KEY
All index stocks: (return all stocks that under index id 1)
All country stocks: (return all stocks from japan and india),India&access_key=API_KEY
Stocks by exchange:
Country name or Index ID required with exchange / sector parameter.
  "id""15", // Stock ID
  "s""AAPL", // Symbol (Apple)
  "c""188.89", // Close / Current Price
  "h""190.38", // High
  "l""183.66", // Low
  "ch""+5.61", // Change in 1 Day
  "cp"+3.06%", // Change in percentage in 1 Day
  "cty"united-states", // Country name
  "exch"Nasdaq", // Stock exchange name
  "ccy"USD", // Currency symbol
  "t"1599249599", // time in unix
  "tm""2019-10-15 12:30:00" // When price changed last time
and more}

Indices Latest Price

You can get one or multiple indices prices at the same time. To do so, simply append the indices ID parameter to your API request and set it to one or more by comma-separated.

id={any valid supported indices id}
country={valid country name to get all index prices} (It will ignore ID parameter)

Request Credit Usage: 1 credit count for each 100 record returned (rounded up).

Index Prices API:,2,3,4,5&access_key=API_KEY
All country Index:,Turkey&access_key=API_KEY
  "id""2", // Indices ID
  "name""Nasdaq 100", // Index Name
  "c""8450.54", // Close / Current Price
  "h""8480.24", // High
  "l""8445.74", // Low
  "ch""+5.61", // Change in 1 Day
  "cp"+3.06%", // Change in percentage in 1 Day
  "cty"united-states", // Country name
  "t"1599249599", // time in unix
  "dateTime""2019-10-15 12:30:00" // When price changed last time
and more}

Historical Price API

Returns stocks historical candle price data for a specific stock. Historical rates are available for most stocks all the way back to the year of the stock possible starting date. You can query the FCS API for historical rates by appending a date (format YYYY-MM-DD) to the base URL and specify the period time {5m, 15m, 30m,1h,2h, 4h,5h, 1d, 1w, month}

Accepted Parameters :
id = {Any valid Stock ID}
symbol = {Any valid stock short name}
period = {Any valid time period}
from = {History date from} & To = {date to} (Use both at a time or ignore both for latest)
level = 1 {values, 1,2,3}, {1: return 300 candles, 2: return 600 candles, 3: return 900 candles}
access_key = API_KEY

If you always need the latest history, then please do not set From/To parameter, it will work better.
Note: Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only 1 ID/Symbol name at a time with the API request. Try Multi-URL API at once Go To API Page

Request Credit Usage: 1 credit count for each 300 candles returned (rounded up).

Quick Latest 900 Candles History

API returns the previous 900 candle which is the latest. Use "Level" paramerter to control number of candles. level=1 return 300 candles,. level=2 return 600 candles, level=3 return 900 candles.
Return Latest 900 candles
Indices History
When you need indices historical data, please set "indices_id" parameter rather then "id". Other setting will be same for history price data.
History Between Specific Date {YYYY-MM-DD}
Returns specific time period historical exchange rate data between two specified dates for all available symbols. Use FROM/TO parameters. 
Or Between Specific Date-Time
  "candle": {
     "o""134.22", // Open
     "h""136.48", // High
     "l""134.15", // Low
     "c""135.22", // Close
     "v""1612461600", // Volume
     "t"1739577600, // Time Unix Format (UTC)
     "tm""2025-02-15" // Date Time (UTC)
and 300 more historical candles},

Stock Dividens - Yields

You can get dividends last and historical data in single request. To do so, simply append the stock ID/symbol parameter to your API request.

id={any valid supported stock id}
symbol={any valid supported stock short name}

Stock Dividend API:
It does not support multiple Ids
Stocks by symbol:
  "dividend_date""2020-02-07", // Announced date
  "dividend""0.77", // Dividend Rate
  "type""Quarterly", // Dividend Period
  "type_short""3M", // Period short,(1M,3M,6M,12M,TTM)
  "payment_date""2020-02-13", // Dividend payment date
  "yield""1.03%", // Yeild
and more history}

Eligibility : Users with Pro and above subscription can access this endpoint.


Get stock performance, when and how much stock price performs.

id={any valid supported stock id}
symbol={any valid supported stock short name}
country={valid country name} (get all stocks performance from country)<
indices_id={valid index id} (e.g get all stocks from specific index)
index_id={valid index id} (e.g get only particular index data)
exchange={valid exchange name}
sector={valid sector name}

Stocks Performance API,2,3,4,5&access_key=API_KEY
Performance by symbol:,MSFT,FB&access_key=API_KEY
All Stocks Performance by country:
All Stocks by indices:
e.g: It will return all stocks from index, e.g: Nasdaq, NYSE, BSE,2,3&access_key=API_KEY
Index Performance:
e.g: It will only return performance of specific index,,2,3&access_key=API_KEY
  "daily""+1.65 %", // Daily performance percentage
  "week" : "-9.29 %", // Week performance percentage
  "month""+2.63 %",
  "ytd"  : "+15.62 %",
  "year" : "+52.61 %",
  "year3""-23.47 %"
  "exch""nyse" // exchange name
  "ccy""USD" // currency symbol
and more}

Eligibility : Users with Pro and above subscription can access above endpoint.


Get stock fundamental to track stock performance for screening.

id={any valid supported stock id}
symbol={any valid supported stock short name}
country={valid country name} (get all country stocks)
indices_id={valid index id} (e.g get all stocks data of index)
index_id={valid index id} (e.g get only index data)
exchange={valid exchange id}
sector={valid sectot id}

Stock Fundamental API:,2,3,4,5&access_key=API_KEY
Fundamental API by Symbol:,AMD,AAPL&access_key=API_KEY
All Stocks Fundamental by country:
All Stocks by indices:
e.g: It will return all stocks fundamental data from Nasdaq index,2,3&access_key=API_KEY
Index Fundamental:
e.g: It will only return fundamental of Nasdaq only,2,3&access_key=API_KEY
  "avg_vol_3m""5.05K", // Average 3month stock volume
  "market_cap""139.74B", // Market Cap
  "revenue""163.95B", // Stock revenue
  "pe_ratio""48.65", // Price earning ratio (earning per share)
  "beta""2" // beta (Stock volatility)
  "exch""nyse" // exchange name
  "ccy""USD" // currency symbol
and more}

Eligibility : Users with Pro and above subscription can access above endpoint.

Stock Finance Data API

Finance is a heart of stock, You can get all current and historical income of stock, Balance and cash flow.
Below are 4 different API sample URLs.

Note: Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only 1 ID/Symbol name at a time with API request.

id={any valid supported stock id}
symbol={any valid supported stock short name}
duration=annual or interim (default : annual) {annual=12 months, interim=4 months}

Income API:
    Better Quick Preview with your access key
Income API (4 month duration):
Balance API:
Cash Flow API:
Earnig API:
Earning api does not support duration parameter
Response are different for above 4 API's and return maximum annually 4 years data .
     "heading""Total Revenue",
       "2017-12-31"378023, // Revenue in 2017 (yearly report)
  "{...}" // more detail

Eligibility : Users with Pro and above subscription can access above endpoint.


Get all details of company about their address, no of employees, equity type, sector and origin country. You can get one or multiple stock details at the same time. To do so, simply append the FCS API's stock symbols/ids parameter to your API request and set it to one or more comma-separated symbols/ids.

id={any valid supported stock id}
symbol={any valid supported stock short name} (optional)

Price of one symbol:
Multiple prices by ids:,2,3,4&access_key=API_KEY
Multiple prices by name:,MSFT,FB,AAPL&access_key=API_KEY
  "name""Netflix Inc",
  "industry""Broadcasting & Cable TV",
  "isin""US34441910", // ISIN Number
  "exch""NYSE", // Exchange Name
  "ccr""USD", // Stock Currency
  "info" {
     "City""Los Gatos",
     "Postal_code""CA 95032-1815",
and more}

MarketTrends / Signals API

It is up to the trader how they analyze the previous and the active market trend before investing. MarketTrend / Signals API is specially developed for who want to develop stock indicators. Our Buy/Sell Signals are calculated on the base of the previous 300 candles in a specific time period.
Check out below signal and indicators data.

Stocks Pivot-Points API

A pivot-point is calculated as an average of important prices from the display of an exchange in a prior trading period. It will show you about the Resistances and supports in a stock-trading.
Our PP, resistance, and support points are determined on previous high open close.

Accepted Parameters :
id = {Any valid ID}
symbol = {Any valid symbol}
period = {any valid supported time frames}
access_key = API_KEY

Note: Below API doesn't support multi ids in URL as a parameter.

Pivot Point API:
"oa_summary": "Strong Buy", // Overall Summary Buy/Sell based on Moving Avg and Technical Indicators
"pivot_point": {
  "Classic": {
     "pp""1.260046", // Pivot Points
     "R1""0.933058", // Resistance 1
     "R2""0.806942", // Resistance 2
     "R3""0.719172", // Resistance 3
     "S1""0.933014", // Support 1
     "S2""0.806912", // Support 2
     "S3""0.719105" // Support 3
  { "Fibonacci": {...} },
  { "Camarilla": {...} },
  { "Woodies": {...} },
  { "Demarks": {...} } // High /Low

Stock Moving Averages API (MA Lines)

Moving-Average (MA) is a trend indicator. MA values are used to check the market value on the base of previous (5,10,20,50,100,200) candles. We calculate SMA and EMA values based on your selected time 5min or 7days period, you need to add the period parameter in the URL.
Response Contains "Simple Moving Average(SMA)" and "Exponential Moving Average(EMA)" values

Accepted Parameters :
id = {Any valid FX ID}
symbol = {Any valid FX symbol}
period = {any valid supported time frames}
access_key = API_KEY

Note: Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only 1 ID/Symbol name at a time with API request. Try Multi-URL API at once Go To API Page

Response including Simple moving average and Exponential with Buy OR Sell signals and values
 "oa_summary": "Strong Buy",
  // OverAll Summary Buy/Sell based on Moving Avg and Technical Indicators

 "count": { "Total_Buy": "8", "Total_Sell": "3", "Total_Neutral": "1" },
  // Count Total Buys, Sells and Neutral

  "ma_avg": {
     "SMA": { // Simple Moving Averages
        // v=Value, s=Signal
        "MA5": { "v"0.8600, "s""Buy" }, // Based on 5 candles SMA
        "MA10": { "v"0.8800, "s""Buy" }, // Based on 10 candles SMA
        "MA20": { "v"0.7952, "s""Sell" }, // Based on 20 candles SMA
        "MA50": { "v"0.7976, "s""Buy" },
        "MA100": { "v"0.6894, "s""Buy" },
        "MA200": { "v"0.6580, "s""Neutral" }
     "EMA": { // Exponential Moving Averages
        "MA5": { "v"0.8600, "s""Buy" }, // Based on 5 candles EMA
        "MA10": { "v"0.8800, "s""Buy" }, // Based on 10 candles EMA
        "MA20": { "v"0.7952, "s""Sell" }, // Based on 20 candles EMA
        "MA50": { "v"0.7976, "s""Buy" },
        "MA100": { "v"0.6894, "s""Buy" },
        "MA200": { "v"0.6580, "s""Sell" }

     "summary": "Buy" // Buy/Sell judgment only based on Moving Avg

Eligibility : Users with standard and above subscription can access above endpoint.

Stock Technical Indicator API

Technical indicators are calculated with the help of top stock indicators (MA,RSI,STOCH,ATR etc). In return, you will receive the values of top indicators. The current data point derives the new and latest data point of a given exchange pair of currency.

Accepted Parameters :
id = {Any valid FX ID}
symbol = {Any valid FX symbol}
period = {any valid supported time frames}
access_key = API_KEY

Note: Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only one ID/Symbol name at a time with API request. Try Multi-URL API at once Go To API Page

Stock Indicator API:
 "oa_summary": "Strong Buy",
  // OverAll Summary Buy/Sell based on Moving Avg and Technical Indicators

 "count": { "Total_Buy": "6" , "Total_Sell": "1", "Total_Neutral": "1" },
  // Count Total Buys, Sells and Neutral
  "indicators": {
     "RSI": { "v"57.823, "s""Buy" }, // RSI (14)
     "STOCH": { "v"76.209, "s""Buy" }, // Stochastic (9,6)
     "STOCHRSI": { "v"81.306, "s""Overbought" }, // STOCH (14,6) + RSI(14)
     "MACD": { "v""0.001", "s""Buy" }, // MACD (12,26)
     "Williams": { "v"-19.355, "s""Overbought" }, // Williams %R
     "CCI": { "v"105.315, "s""Buy" }, // CCI (14)
     "ATR": { "v"0.0007 , "s""Less Volatility" }, // ATR (14)
     "UO": { "v"65.45, "s""Buy" }, // Ultimate Oscillator
     "ROC": { "v"0.142, "s""Buy" }, // ROC
     "summary": "Strong Buy" // Buy/Sell judgment only based on above Indicators

Eligibility : Users with standard and above subscription can access above endpoint.

Technical Signals Indicator

Signals indicators are calculated with the help of top chart indicators (MA, RSI, STOCH, ATR etc). The collection of chart indicators powerful & profitable stock trading strategies and systems that work. It is developed to get latest technical indicator values. In Response you will get a result of top indicators.

id={any valid supported stock id}
symbol={any valid supported stock short name}
country={valid country name} (get all stocks from specific country)
indices_id={valid index id} (e.g get all stocks from index)
index_id={valid index id} (e.g get only specific index data)

Technical Stocks API:,2,3,4,5&access_key=API_KEY
Technical Stocks by symbol:,MSFT,FB&access_key=API_KEY
Technical Stocks by country:
All Stocks by indices:
It will return all stocks from Nasdaq index,2,3&access_key=API_KEY
Index Technical:
It will only return technical of Nasdaq only,2,3&access_key=API_KEY
  "hourly""Strong Buy",
  "weekly""Strong Sell",
  "monthly""Strong Sell"
and more}

Eligibility : Users with standard and above subscription can access above endpoint.

Country report

This API gives you full report of country. How many stocks in each country, how many stocks in each exchange or sectors. You also use this API to get countries name and exchanges names or exchange country name.

Accepted Parameters :
access_key = API_KEY

Report API:
Bettery Visual report but resposnse not in json format
     "united-states"6750, // United states has 6750 stocks in our DB
     "japan"4030, // Japan has 4030 stocks
     "germnay"1750, // Germany has 1750 stocks
     "services"5950, // Services has 5950 stocks in our DB
     "technology"4970, // Technology has 4970 stocks
     "more"... ,
     "Tokyo"3780, // Tokyo has 3780 stocks in our DB
     "nadaq"3006, // Nasdaq has 3006 stocks
     "nyse"2080, // NYSE has 2080 stocks
     "more"... ,
     "Tokyo""japan", // Tokyo exchange in japan
     "nadaq""united-states", // Nasdaq exchange in US
     "nyse""united-states", // NYSE exchange in US
     "bse""india", // BSE exchange in india
     "more"... ,


Stock Prices, Profile, Market trends and signals, and historical data are not designed for trading purpose, These signals are only for education or noncommercial purpose use. Data contained in this application/website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate and so prices may not be accurate and may differ from the actual market price, meaning prices are indicative and not appropriate for trading purposes. Therefore we doesn`t bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data.