Empower your application with most reliable and secure Stock API.
Learn More about GET VS POST .
Supported by over 30 exchange rate data sources, the FCS API delivers real-time Stock exchange rate data for 30+ countries and more than 25,000 stocks. You can access the latest prices for all or specific stock pairs, retrieve historical stock information, analyze market trends with key technical indicators, and explore stock performance metrics, including company income, cash flow, earnings, and financial reports.
All APIs endpoint count 1 credit per URL request. But Latest API endpoint count 1 credit per 100 record return.
You're not logged in.
Get Your API KeyThis stock API is designed for fast access to our powerful tools. You can use any programming language to make a request to the API URL and receive a response in the standard JSON format. Languages such as Javascript (Ajax), PHP (Curl or file_get_contents), Java or Android (HttpURLConnection), C# (httpWebRequest), or CURL via the command line are all compatible for interacting with the API.
You need API key in order to access our database. Your API Key is the unique key that is passed into the API base URL's access_key
parameter in order to authenticate with the FCS API.
You can get all the list of supported indices in your favorite country. You can use these indices ids in the "All Stocks List" API. Enter your indice's country name to get all its indices list.
= API_KEY country
= Any valid supported country name It is required when you use "All Stocks list" API, so you will get all stock from your selected country. Support 30 Countries.
Default: none
Valid Values: brazil, canada, china, denmark, finland, france, germany, hong-kong, india, indonesia, ireland, japan, malaysia, mexico, netherlands, pakistan, philippines, russia, saudi-arabia, singapore, south-africa, south-korea, spain, sweden, switzerland, thailand, turkey, united-arab-emirates, united-kingdom, united-states
You can set 1 or more country names to get all stocks from multiple countries by comma-separated names.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
status: boolean The status of this request's response. | ||||
code: integer The code of this request's response. | ||||
msg: string The massage of this request's response. | ||||
response: array
| ||||
info: array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"index_id": 1113,
"index_name": "IDX Composite",
"full_name": "Jakarta Stock Exchange Composite Ind",
"country": "indonesia"
"index_id": 1114,
"index_name": "IDX Kompas 100",
"full_name": "IDX Kompas 100",
"country": "indonesia"
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-09-06 21:53:51 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
You can get all list of our supported stocks names, ids, short name and country name.
= API_KEY country
It is required when you use "All Stocks list" API, so you will get all stock from your selected country. Support 30 Countries
Default: none
Valid Values: brazil, canada, china, denmark, finland, france, germany, hong-kong, india, indonesia, ireland, japan, malaysia, mexico, netherlands, pakistan, philippines, russia, saudi-arabia, singapore, south-africa, south-korea, spain, sweden, switzerland, thailand, turkey, united-arab-emirates, united-kingdom, united-states
You can set 1 or more country names to get all stocks from multiple countries by comma-separated names.
any valid indices id as shown in "Indices" API (country will ignore) When you need all stocks or all component from specific indices. Set indices_id={indices_id} in URL parameter.
Note: You can set 1 or more indices id to get all stocks from multiple indices id by comma-separated ids.
If the "Country"
parameter exists in URL than the "indices"
parameter will be ignored.
Available sectors values are attach with "stock list API" response. You can filter your stocks list by sector. Accept multi values with "," comma-separated.
Available exchanges values are attach with "stock list API" response. You can filter your exchanges list by sector. Accept multi values with "," comma-separated.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
status: boolean The status of this request's response. | |||||||
code: integer The code of this request's response. | |||||||
msg: string The massage of this request's response. | |||||||
response: array
| |||||||
info: array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Boeing",
"short_name": "BA",
"country": "united-states"
"ccy": "USD",
"exch": "NYSE",
"sector": "Industrials"
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-09-06 21:53:51 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
Access complete company information, such as their address, employee count, equity type, sector, and country of origin. You can fetch details for single or multiple stocks simultaneously by appending the stock symbols/IDs parameter to your API request, separated by commas.
1 credit count for each 100 record returned (rounded up).
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Stock ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name At least one "id" or "symbol" is required. If the ID parameter exists in URL than the symbol parameter will be ignored. You can use any 1 parameter (ID or Symbol) both will return the same result.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Request by ID's'
Request by short name
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"symbol": "BA",
"full_name": "Boeing Co",
"country": "united-states",
"sector": "Industrials",
"industry": "Aerospace & Defense",
"equity_type": "ORD",
"no_of_employee": 156000,
"isin": "",
"available_history": "1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month",
"coins": "5 francs, 10 centimes, 2 francs, 1 ⁄ 2 francs, 20 centimes, 1 francs, 5 centimes",
"id": 1,
"exch": "NYSE",
"ccy": "USD"
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-03-18 12:15:11 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
A key feature of the API is retrieving the latest stock prices. You can easily get prices for one or multiple stocks at once by adding the stock ID/symbol parameter to your API request, separating each symbol/ID with commas.
Prices update in every 30 seconds
1 credit count for each 100 record returned (rounded up).
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Stock ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name At least one "id" or "symbol" is required. If the ID parameter exists in URL than the symbol parameter will be ignored. You can use any 1 parameter (ID or Symbol) both will return the same result.
= Any valid indices id as shown in "Indices" API (It will ignore ID/Symbol parameter). When you need all stocks or all component from specific indices. Set indices_id={indices_id} in URL parameter.
Note: You can set 1 or more indices id to get all stocks from multiple indices id by comma-separated ids.
If the "Country"
parameter exists in URL than the "indices"
parameter will be ignored.
= It will ignore ID/Symbol parameter It is required when you use "All Stocks list" API, so you will get all stock from your selected country. Support 30 Countries
Default: none
Valid Values: brazil, canada, china, denmark, finland, france, germany, hong-kong, india, indonesia, ireland, japan, malaysia, mexico, netherlands, pakistan, philippines, russia, saudi-arabia, singapore, south-africa, south-korea, spain, sweden, switzerland, thailand, turkey, united-arab-emirates, united-kingdom, united-states
You can set 1 or more country names to get all stocks from multiple countries by comma-separated names.
= Available sectors values are attach with "stock list API" response. You can filter your stocks list by sector. Accept multi values with "," comma-separated.
= Available exchanges values are attach with "stock list API" response. You can filter your exchanges list by sector. Accept multi values with "," comma-separated.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Available exchages/sector names from specific country will return with API response, to get all countires, exchanges and sectors list. Click Here
Request by ID's' Multiple or Single
Request by symbol Multiple or Single
Get Apple stock from specific exchange
status: boolean The status of this request's response. | ||||||||||||
code: integer The code of this request's response. | ||||||||||||
msg: string The massage of this request's response. | ||||||||||||
response: array
| ||||||||||||
info: array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"h": 1.06856,
"l": 1.06057,
"c": 1.06687,
"cty": "united-states",
"ccy": "USD",
"exch": "NYSE",
"ch": +0.00617,
"cp": "+0.58%",
"t": 1679086794,
"s": "BA",
"tm": "2023-03-17 20:59:54"
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-03-18 13:01:45 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
You can easily fetch prices for single or multiple indices simultaneously. Just include the indices ID parameter in your API request, separating multiple IDs with commas.
1 credit count for each 100 record returned (rounded up).
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID country
= It will ignore ID parameter It is required when you use "All Stocks list" API, so you will get all stock from your selected country. Support 30 Countries
Default: none
Valid Values: brazil, canada, china, denmark, finland, france, germany, hong-kong, india, indonesia, ireland, japan, malaysia, mexico, netherlands, pakistan, philippines, russia, saudi-arabia, singapore, south-africa, south-korea, spain, sweden, switzerland, thailand, turkey, united-arab-emirates, united-kingdom, united-states
You can set 1 or more country names to get all stocks from multiple countries by comma-separated names.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Request by ID's' Multiple or Single
Request by country Multiple or Single
status: boolean The status of this request's response. | ||||||||||
code: integer The code of this request's response. | ||||||||||
msg: string The massage of this request's response. | ||||||||||
response: array
| ||||||||||
info: array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"h": 1.06856,
"l": 1.06057,
"c": 1.06687,
"cty": "united-states",
"name": "Dow Jones",
"ch": +0.00617,
"cp": "+0.58%",
"t": 1679086794,
"tm": "2023-03-17 20:59:54"
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-03-18 13:01:45 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
Access historical candle price data for a specific stock. For most stocks, historical rates are available starting from their earliest date. You can retrieve historical rates through the FCS API by appending a date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) to the base URL and choosing a time period {5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month}.
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Stock ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name At least one "id" or "symbol" is required. If the ID parameter exists in URL than the symbol parameter will be ignored. You can use any 1 parameter (ID or Symbol) both will return the same result.
= Any supported time period It is required in a few API requests, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, pivot points. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
Default: 1h
Valid Values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
= Any supported format When you access history API of any stock and you need historical data from a specific date, you need to specify date between from/to date by using (from, to) parameter
Default: none
Valid Format 1: YYYY-MM-DD E.g: 2018-01-01
Valid Format 2: YYYY-MM-DD E.g: 1661990400 // Unix format
Valid Format 3: YYYY-MM-DDTHour:Min E.g: 2018-01-01T12:30
When you do not specify FROM and TO parameters, then history will return latest 300 candles.
What is T in date format!!! It is nothing, we use it to remove space between time. It has no use and no validation.
= Same as from
= Any supported format when you want more history candles in 1 request.
Default: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, and 3
1: It will return 300 candles.
2: It will return 600 candles.
3: It will return 900 candles.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only 1 ID/Symbol name at a time with the API request. Try Multi-URL API at once Goto Multiple API .
1 credit count for each 300 candles returned (rounded up).
API returns the previous 900 candle which is the latest. Use "Level" paramerter to control number of candles. level=1 return 300 candles,. level=2 return 600 candles, level=3 return 900 candles.
Latest 300 candles
Between Specific Date-Time
status: boolean The status of this request's response. | |||||||
code: integer The code of this request's response. | |||||||
msg: string The massage of this request's response. | |||||||
response: array
| |||||||
info: array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": {
"1679050800": {
"o": 1.06335,
"h": 1.064,
"l": 1.0616,
"c": 1.063,
"v": 1,
"t": 1679050800,
"tm": "2023-03-17 11:00:00"
"info": {
"id": 1,
"symbol": "BA",
"period": "1d",
"server_time": "2023-03-18 16:06:36 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
When you need indices historical data, please set "indices_id" parameter rather then "id". Other setting will be same for history price data.
= API_KEY indices_id
any valid indices id as shown in "Indices" API When you need all stocks or all component from specific indices. Set indices_id={indices_id} in URL parameter.
= Any supported time period It is required in a few API requests, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, pivot points. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
Default: 1h
Valid Values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
= Any supported format When you access history API of any stock and you need historical data from a specific date, you need to specify date between from/to date by using (from, to) parameter
Default: none
Valid Format 1: YYYY-MM-DD E.g: 2018-01-01
Valid Format 2: YYYY-MM-DD E.g: 1661990400 // Unix format
Valid Format 3: YYYY-MM-DDTHour:Min E.g: 2018-01-01T12:30
When you do not specify FROM and TO parameters, then history will return latest 300 candles.
What is T in date format!!! It is nothing, we use it to remove space between time. It has no use and no validation.
= Same as from
= Any supported format when you want more history candles in 1 request.
Default: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, and 3
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only 1 ID/Symbol name at a time with the API request. Try Multi-URL API at once Goto Multiple API .
1 credit count for each 300 candles returned (rounded up).
Latest 300 candles
Returns specific time period historical exchange rate data between two specified dates for all available symbols. Use FROM/TO parameters.
Between Specific Date-Time
status: boolean The status of this request's response. | |||||||
code: integer The code of this request's response. | |||||||
msg: string The massage of this request's response. | |||||||
response: array
| |||||||
info: array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": {
"1679050800": {
"o": 39972.44,
"h": 39977.69,
"l": 39864.67,
"c": 39879.16,
"v": "",
"t": 1679050800,
"tm": "2023-03-17 11:00:00"
"info": {
"id": 1,
"symbol": "",
"period": "1d",
"server_time": "2023-03-18 16:06:36 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
You can get dividends last and historical data in single request. To do so, simply append the stock ID/symbol parameter to your API request.
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Stock ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name At least one "id" or "symbol" is required. If the ID parameter exists in URL than the symbol parameter will be ignored. You can use any 1 parameter (ID or Symbol) both will return the same result.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"symbol": "BA",
"data": {
"1581552000": {
"dividend_date": "2020-02-13",
"dividend": "2.055",
"type": "Quarterly",
"payment_date": "2020-03-06",
"yield": "2.37%",
"type_short": "3M"
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-03-18 16:06:36 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
Get stock performance, when and how much stock price performs.
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Stock ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name At least one "id" or "symbol" is required. If the ID parameter exists in URL than the symbol parameter will be ignored. You can use any 1 parameter (ID or Symbol) both will return the same result.
any valid indices id as shown in "Indices" API (It will ignore ID/Symbol parameter) When you need all stocks or all component from specific indices. Set indices_id={indices_id} in URL parameter.
Note: You can set 1 or more indices id to get all stocks from multiple indices id by comma-separated ids.
If the "Country"
parameter exists in URL than the "indices"
parameter will be ignored.
It will ignore ID/Symbol parameter It is required when you use "All Stocks list" API, so you will get all stock from your selected country. Support 30 Countries
Default: none
Valid Values: brazil, canada, china, denmark, finland, france, germany, hong-kong, india, indonesia, ireland, japan, malaysia, mexico, netherlands, pakistan, philippines, russia, saudi-arabia, singapore, south-africa, south-korea, spain, sweden, switzerland, thailand, turkey, united-arab-emirates, united-kingdom, united-states
You can set 1 or more country names to get all stocks from multiple countries by comma-separated names.
Get only specific index data sector
Available sectors values are attach with "stock list API" response. You can filter your stocks list by sector. Accept multi values with "," comma-separated.
Available exchanges values are attach with "stock list API" response. You can filter your exchanges list by sector. Accept multi values with "," comma-separated.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Performance by id
Performance by symbol
Performance by country
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"symbol": "BA",
"exch": "NYSE",
"ccy": "USD",
"daily": 1.11,
"week": 3.64,
"month": 8.9,
"ytd": -29.16,
"year": -9.98,
"year3": -18.74
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-03-18 16:06:36 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
Get stock fundamental to track stock performance for screening.
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Stock ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name At least one "id" or "symbol" is required. If the ID parameter exists in URL than the symbol parameter will be ignored. You can use any 1 parameter (ID or Symbol) both will return the same result.
any valid indices id as shown in "Indices" API (It will ignore ID/Symbol parameter) When you need all stocks or all component from specific indices. Set indices_id={indices_id} in URL parameter.
Note: You can set 1 or more indices id to get all stocks from multiple indices id by comma-separated ids.
If the "Country"
parameter exists in URL than the "indices"
parameter will be ignored.
It will ignore ID/Symbol parameter It is required when you use "All Stocks list" API, so you will get all stock from your selected country. Support 30 Countries
Default: none
Valid Values: brazil, canada, china, denmark, finland, france, germany, hong-kong, india, indonesia, ireland, japan, malaysia, mexico, netherlands, pakistan, philippines, russia, saudi-arabia, singapore, south-africa, south-korea, spain, sweden, switzerland, thailand, turkey, united-arab-emirates, united-kingdom, united-states
You can set 1 or more country names to get all stocks from multiple countries by comma-separated names.
Get only specific index data sector
Available sectors values are attach with "stock list API" response. You can filter your stocks list by sector. Accept multi values with "," comma-separated.
Available exchanges values are attach with "stock list API" response. You can filter your exchanges list by sector. Accept multi values with "," comma-separated.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Fundamental by id
Fundamental by symbol
Fundamental by country
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"symbol": "BA",
"exch": "NYSE",
"ccy": "USD",
"avg_vol_3m": "7.73M",
"market_cap": "111.1M",
"revenue": "76.4B",
"pe_ratio": -29.16,
"beta": 1.98
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-03-18 16:06:36 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
Finance is a heart of stock, You can get all current and historical income of stock, Balance and cash flow.
Below are 4 different API sample URLs.
Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only 1 ID/Symbol name at a time with API request.
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Stock ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name At least one "id" or "symbol" is required. If the ID parameter exists in URL than the symbol parameter will be ignored. You can use any 1 parameter (ID or Symbol) both will return the same result.
= any valid value Default: annual
Valid Values: annual, interim
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Income API
Balance API (4 month duration)
Cash API
Earning API
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"symbol": "BA",
"type": "Income",
"duration": "Annual",
"data": {...}
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-03-18 16:06:36 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
The Market Trend / Signals API is created for those who want to monitor market trends or develop stock indicators. Our Buy/Sell Signals and Indicators are derived from the last 300 candles within a defined time period. Explore the various types of signals or indicators data below.
A pivot point serves as a crucial support/resistance level, often used by traders to forecast market direction. It is determined by averaging key prices (high, low, close) from the prior trading period. This helps identify potential resistance and support zones in stock. Our pivot points, resistance, and support levels are derived from the previous high, open, and close prices.
Below API doesn't support multi-ids in URL as a parameter.
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Stock ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name At least one "id" or "symbol" is required. If the ID parameter exists in URL than the symbol parameter will be ignored. You can use any 1 parameter (ID or Symbol) both will return the same result.
= Any supported time period It is required in a few API requests, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, pivot points. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
Default: 1h
Valid Values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
Alternate values: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": {
"pivot_point": {
"classic": {
"pp": 1.0746,
"R1": 1.0758,
"R2": 1.077,
"R3": 1.0782,
"S1": 1.0734,
"S2": 1.0722,
"S3": 1.071
"fibonacci": {...},
"camarilla": {...},
"woodie": {...},
"demark": {...}
"overall": {
"summary": "Neutral",
"msg": "summary based on all SMA,EMA,Pivot Points and indicators"
"info": {
"id": 1,
"decimal": 4,
"symbol": "BA",
"period": "1d",
"disclaimer": "...",
"update": "18 seconds ago",
"update_time": "2024-05-09 10:12:01 UTC",
"server_time": "2024-05-09 10:12:19 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
The Moving Average (MA) is a key trend indicator used to evaluate market value based on past (5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200) candles. We calculate both Simple Moving Average (SMA) and Exponential Moving Average (EMA) values, based on the time frame you choose, such as 5 minutes or 7 days. Simply include the period parameter in the URL to access this data. The response contains both SMA and EMA values for your analysis.
Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only 1 ID/Symbol name at a time with API request. Try Multi-URL API at once Goto Multiple API .
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Stock ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name At least one "id" or "symbol" is required. If the ID parameter exists in URL than the symbol parameter will be ignored. You can use any 1 parameter (ID or Symbol) both will return the same result.
= Any supported time period It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, Moving Averages. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
Default: 1h
Valid Values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": {
"count": {
"Total_Buy": 4,
"Total_Sell": 6,
"Total_Neutral": 2
"ma_avg": {
"SMA": {
"MA5": {
"v": 0.95641,
"s": "Buy"
"MA10": {
"v": 0.95591,
"s": "Buy"
"MA20": {...},
"MA50": {...},
"MA100": {...},
"MA200": {...}
"EMA": {...},
"summary": "Neutral"
"overall": {
"summary": "Neutral",
"msg": "summary based on all SMA,EMA,Pivot Points and indicators"
"info": {
"id": 2,
"decimal": 4,
"symbol": "BA",
"period": "1d",
"disclaimer": "...",
"update": "just now",
"update_time": "2023-08-30 18:46:14 UTC",
"server_time": "2023-08-30 18:46:14 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
Technical indicators are derived from leading stock indicators such as MA, RSI, STOCH, ATR, and more. In exchange, you'll receive the most up-to-date values for these essential indicators. latest data point provides information for a given exchange pairof currencyand the latest informationfor a specified currency pair.
Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only 1 ID/Symbol name at a time with API request. Try Multi-URL API at once Goto Multiple API .
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Stock ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name At least one "id" or "symbol" is required. If the ID parameter exists in URL than the symbol parameter will be ignored. You can use any 1 parameter (ID or Symbol) both will return the same result.
= Any supported time period It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, Technical Indicator. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
Default: 1h
Valid Values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
API by symbol
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": {
"count": {
"Total_Buy": 7,
"Total_Sell": 0,
"Total_Neutral": 0
"indicators": {
"RSI14": {
"v": 51.9678,
"s": "Buy"
"STOCH9_6": {
"v": 43.0012,
"s": "Buy"
"STOCHRSI14": {...},
"MACD12_26": {...},
"WilliamsR": {...},
"CCI14": {...},
"ATR14": {...},
"UltimateOscillator": {...},
"ROC": {...},
"summary": "Strong Buy"
"overall": {
"summary": "Neutral",
"msg": "summary based on all SMA,EMA,Pivot Points and indicators"
"info": {
"id": 2,
"decimal": 4,
"symbol": "BA",
"period": "1d",
"disclaimer": "...",
"update": "just now",
"update_time": "2023-08-30 19:14:02 UTC",
"server_time": "2023-08-30 19:14:02 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
Signal indicators are derived from leading chart tools like MA, RSI, STOCH, ATR, and more. These indicators are the backbone of effective and lucrative stock trading strategies. Built to deliver real-time technical values, the response will provide you with key indicator results to inform your decisions.
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Stock ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name At least one "id" or "symbol" is required. If the ID parameter exists in URL than the symbol parameter will be ignored. You can use any 1 parameter (ID or Symbol) both will return the same result.
It will ignore ID/Symbol parameter It is required when you use "All Stocks list" API, so you will get all stock from your selected country. Support 30 Countries
Default: none
Valid Values: brazil, canada, china, denmark, finland, france, germany, hong-kong, india, indonesia, ireland, japan, malaysia, mexico, netherlands, pakistan, philippines, russia, saudi-arabia, singapore, south-africa, south-korea, spain, sweden, switzerland, thailand, turkey, united-arab-emirates, united-kingdom, united-states
Available sectors values are attach with "stock list API" response. You can filter your stocks list by sector. Accept multi values with "," comma-separated.
any valid indices id as shown in "Indices" API (It will ignore ID/Symbol parameter) When you need all stocks or all component from specific indices. Set indices_id={indices_id} in URL parameter.
Get only specific index data output
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Technical API
All Stocks by indices
It will return all stocks from Nasdaq index
Index Technical
It will only return technical of Nasdaq only
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"hourly": "Strong Buy",
"daily": "Strong Buy",
"weekly": "Strong Sell",
"monthly": "Strong Sell",
"symbol": "BA",
"exch": "NYSE",
"ccy": "USD"
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-08-30 19:25:37 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
You can search any currency with similar words, search query will find in full name and short name. Response Return upto 20 result.
= Any words to search strict
= any valid value Default: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1
0: search if any word exist
1: search if all words exist
= any valid value Default: both
Valid Values: index, stock, both
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1287,
"name": "General Electric",
"short_name": "GE",
"full_name": "General Electric Company",
"type": "stock"
"country": "United States",
"locality": "Boston",
"exch": "NYSE",
"ccy": "USD"
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-09-06 21:53:51 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
This API gives you full report of country. How many stocks in each country, how many stocks in each exchange or sectors. You also use this API to get countries name and exchanges names or exchange country name.
= API_KEY output
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid Values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": {
"country": {
"united-states": 6
"exchanges": {
"NYSE": 3,
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-09-06 21:53:51 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
Stock Prices, Profile, Market trends and signals, and historical data are not designed for trading purpose, These signals are only for education or noncommercial purpose use. Data contained in this application/website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate and so prices may not be accurate and may differ from the actual market price, meaning prices are indicative and not appropriate for trading purposes. Therefore we doesn`t bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data.