We provide a powerful, developer-friendly, and seamlessly integratable Forex API.
Learn More about GET VS POST .
Supported by over 25 live Forex currency exchange data sources, FCS API delivers Live Forex Rates for 145+ countries and 2000+ forex currency pairings. Our Live Forex API provides up-to-the-minute FX prices, API endpoints for all or selected currency pairs, historical exchange data, and in-depth market insights with technical indicators ranging from 1-minute to 1-month intervals.Get deeper trading insights with our API, featuring key technical indicators and market analysis!
Most of the APIs endpoint count 1 credit for every URL request. But 3 endpoint count 1 credit per 100 record return. In Basic Plan user allow to request on any API 10,000 times in 1 month. Each API request count 1 credit. But some endpoint count by response, e.g: Latest price API.
If you enter 100 different IDs in parameter and API return 100 currencies prices, it will count 1 request.
If you enter 200 different IDs in parameter and API return 200 currencies prices, it will count 2 request. and so on.
You're not logged in.
Get Your API KeyStay ahead in the market with live forex data, all for free through our API. Developers can work with any programming language to interact with the API. Integration is seamless using PHP (Curl or file_get_contents), JavaScript (Ajax), Android (HttpURLConnection), Java, C# (HttpWebRequest), or CURL. All API responses are formatted in JSON for smooth data handling. Each API endpoint serves a distinct function, allowing users to fetch the latest exchange rates for all or specific currencies.
You need an access key in order to access our database. Your access Key is the unique key that is passed into the API base URL's access_key
parameter in order to authenticate with the FCS API.
You can access the complete list of supported currency short names and symbols using the API below. These symbols will allow you to fetch indicator values, historical trends, and real-time exchange rates. Our forex API endpoint is regularly updated, guaranteeing you always have the most up-to-date forex currencies in real time.
= API_KEY type
= When you want a specific type of symbols Forex/Crypto currency. Default: forex
Valid values: forex, crypto
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Return All symbols, You need to use these symbols in Latest Price API, Price conversation, Historical and for Technical signals.
When you send an API request, you’ll get a JSON response, which you can change as needed. Furthermore, the response is organized with essential index keys such as id, name, symbol, and decimals, mapped to popular currencies. You can utilize this data based on your specific needs.
status: boolean The status of this request's response. | ||||
code: integer The code of this request's response. | ||||
msg: string The massage of this request's response. | ||||
response: array
| ||||
info: array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Euro US Dollar",
"symbol": "EUR/USD",
"decimal": 4
"id": 2,
"name": "Euro Swiss Franc",
"symbol": "EUR/CHF",
"decimal": 4
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-09-06 21:53:51 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
In our API, You can get all the details about Forex currencies. Details like its name, country name, bank name, currency unit, type of notes and more details.
1 credit count for each 100 record returned (rounded up).
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Forex ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Request by ID's'
Request by symbol combination
Request by currency short name
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"short_name": "CHF",
"name": "Swiss Franc",
"country": "Switzerland",
"code_n": 756,
"subunit": "Rappen",
"website": "snb.ch",
"symbol": "Fr., CHf, SFr.",
"bank": "Swiss National Bank",
"banknotes": "10 francs, 20 francs, 50 francs, 200 francs, 1000 francs, 100 francs",
"coins": "5 francs, 10 centimes, 2 francs, 1 ⁄ 2 francs, 20 centimes, 1 francs, 5 centimes",
"icon": "https://fcsapi.com/api-v3//assets/images/flags/chf.svg",
"type": "forex",
"symbol_2": "Fr., CHf, SFr.",
"banknotes_2": "10 francs, 20 francs, 50 francs, 200 francs, 1000 francs, 100 francs",
"coins_2": "5 francs, 10 centimes, 2 francs, 1 ⁄ 2 francs, 20 centimes, 1 francs, 5 centimes"
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-03-18 12:15:11 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
In our Currency API, price conversion is an essential function that enables you to exchange between two chosen currencies. To achieve this, simply include the symbols parameter along with the amount you wish to convert. Our Currency Exchange API ensures a seamless and efficient conversion process.
Below API does not support multiple symbols name in URL as a parameter. Send only one Symbol name at a time with the request.
= API_KEY symbol
= Any valid short name Note: At least one "symbol" or "pair1", "pair2" parameter is required.
= pair1 = EUR & pair2 = USD (Use both at a time). amount
= Set your convert price. Default: 1
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Currency Converter API (example symbol)
Currency Converter API (example pair)
After making a request to the API, it will respond with data in JSON format, which you can customize according to your requirements.
status: boolean The status of this request's response. | |||
code: integer The code of this request's response. | |||
msg: string The massage of this request's response. | |||
response: array
| |||
info: array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": {
"price_1x_EUR": 0.93732,
"price_1x_USD": 1.06687,
"total": 213.374
"info": {
"server_time": "2025-03-18 12:27:39 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
The Latest Currency Rate API is extremely beneficial, ensuring you stay informed with up-to-date currency prices. Our Currency Conversion API enables you to retrieve one or multiple currency rates at once. Just send a request with the symbols parameter, assigning it to one or more comma-separated currency codes.
We update the prices of each currency in every 30 seconds or less. And use Last Candle API if you need time frame latest price, like 5m, 1h, 1week candle price.
1 credit count for each 100 record returned (rounded up).
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Forex ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name Default: none
Valid values: any valid short name, all_forex
Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Request by ID's' Multiple or Single
Request by symbol Multiple or Single
All Prices at once: (return all latest prices of forex currencies)
After making a request to the API, it will respond with data in JSON format, which you can customize according to your requirements.
status: boolean The status of this request's response. | ||||||||||
code: integer The code of this request's response. | ||||||||||
msg: string The massage of this request's response. | ||||||||||
response: array
| ||||||||||
info: array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"o": 1.06070,
"h": 1.06856,
"l": 1.06057,
"c": 1.06687,
"ch": +0.00617,
"cp": "+0.58%",
"t": 1679086794,
"s": "EUR/USD",
"tm": "2023-03-17 20:59:54"
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-03-18 13:01:45 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
We offer the last candle price of a currency, making it an essential feature of our API. You can access single or multiple candle prices simultaneously. To fetch candle OHLC prices, just include the symbols parameter in your URL request and specify one or more comma-separated currency codes.
Last Forex Candle API only support valid suppoted ID or name from our FX list, and candle API is less accurate then history and latest API.
1 credit count for each 100 record returned (rounded up).
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Forex ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name Default: none
Valid values: any valid short name, all_forex
Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.
= Any supported time period It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, pivot points. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
Default: 1h
Valid values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
Alternate Values: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200
= Any supported candle value Default: both
Valid values: active, close, both
Active: Return current candle.
Close: Return 1 previous closed candle.
Both: Return 2 latest candle.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Request by ID's' Multiple or Single
Request by symbol Multiple or Single
All Prices at once: (return all candle prices of forex currencies)
The candle response only returns 2 last candle of each single currency and time period from the chart. If you want only latest price, Please use "Latest Price" API, If you need more previous candles please use Forex Historical API.
After making a request to the API, it will respond with data in JSON format, which you can customize according to your requirements.
status: boolean The status of this request's response. | ||||||||||||||
code: integer The code of this request's response. | ||||||||||||||
msg: string The massage of this request's response. | ||||||||||||||
response: array
| ||||||||||||||
info: array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"o": 1.06823,
"h": 1.06823,
"l": 1.06621,
"c": 1.06632,
"a": 1.06654,
"b": 1.06610,
"sp": 4.4,
"t": 1679079600,
"ch": -0.00191,
"cp": "-0.18%",
"s": "EUR/USD",
"tm": "2023-03-17 19:00:00",
"up": "2023-03-17 19:00:00"
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-03-18 15:12:13 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
On the base of 1 currency, it will return all quote prices of all available currencies.
All Above quotes are not current price it is only for sample response, you can use API to get current quote price.
= API_KEY symbol
= Any valid short name type
= When you want a specific type of symbols Forex/Crypto currency. Default: forex
Valid values: forex, crypto, both
Forex: If type = forex, & symbol = EUR, so you'll receive quotes of 140+ Forex currencies, e.g: EUR/JPY, EUR/GBP.
Crypto: If type = crypto, & symbol = EUR, so you'll receive quotes of 1500+ Crypto currencies, e.g: EUR/BTC, EUR/ETH.
= 1 Default: none
Valid values: 1
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Request by symbol
Request by price with last update time
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": {
"AED": 3.67292,
"AFN": 87.46006,
"ALL": 107.4505,
"AMD": 388.286,
"ANG": 1.8023
"info": {
"base": "USD",
"type": "forex",
"server_time": "2023-03-18 15:28:01 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
Return all related currencies of required currency. If you enter USD in parameter value, then response will return all currencies of USD e.g: EUR/USD, JPY/USD, GBP/USD, PKR/USD... etc/USD
Last Forex Cross API only support valid suppoted ID or name from our FX list, and cross API is less accurate then history and latest API. for more accurate prices, please use Latest, Base or history API.
1 credit count for each 200 record returned (rounded up).
= API_KEY symbol
= Any valid short name period
= Any supported time period It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, pivot points. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
Default: 1h
Valid values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
Alternate values: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200
= When you want a specific type of symbols Forex/Crypto currency. Default: forex
Valid values: forex, crypto, both
Forex: If type = forex, and symbol = USD, then you will receive all Forex currency that contain USD in name.
Crypto: If type = crypto, and symbol = EUR, then you will receive all Crypto currencies that contain EUR in name.
= Any supported candle value Default: both
Valid values: active, close, both
Active: Return current candle.
Close: Return 1 previous closed candle.
Both: Return 2 latest candle.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Request by symbol
Request by close candle
After making a request to the API, it will respond with data in JSON format, which you can customize according to your requirements.
status: boolean The status of this request's response. | |||||||||||||||
code: integer The code of this request's response. | |||||||||||||||
msg: string The massage of this request's response. | |||||||||||||||
response: array
| |||||||||||||||
info: array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"o": 1.05787,
"h": 1.06362,
"l": 1.05517,
"c": 1.06147,
"a": 1.06160,
"b": 1.06125,
"sp": 3.5,
"t": 1678924800,
"s": "EUR/USD",
"type": "forex",
"ch": 0.0036,
"cp": "0.34%",
"tm": "2023-03-16 00:00:00",
"up": "2023-03-16 00:00:00"
"info": {
"period": "1d",
"server_time": "2023-03-18 15:37:12 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
If you're looking to compare current exchange prices with past rates to watch the market trends, our Forex History API offers comprehensive historical exchange data for all supported symbols. For most symbols, historical prices are available starting from 1995, with data in 1-day or higher time frames. You can also access 1-minute, 5-minute, and other short-term data for up to 6 months. To retrieve historical rates, simply append the date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) to the API URL and use the period parameter with options like {1m, 5m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month}.
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Forex ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.
= Any supported time period It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, pivot points. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
Default: 1h
Valid values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
Alternate values: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200
= Any supported format When you access history API and you are looking for any historical data from a specific date, you need to specify date between from/to date by using (from,to) parameter.
Default: none
Valid format 1: YYYY-MM-DD E.g: 2018-01-01
Valid format 2: YYYY-MM-DD E.g: 1661990400 // Unix format
Valid format 3: YYYY-MM-DDTHour:Min E.g: 2018-01-01T12:30
When you not set FROM and TO parameters, then it will return latest 300 candles.
What is T in date format!!! It is nothing, we use it to remove space between time. It has no use and no validation.
= When you access forex history API, It is required with "From" Parameter. Same as from
= Any supported value When you want more history candles in 1 request.
Default: 1
Valid values: 1, 2, and 3
1: It will return 300 candles.
2: It will return 600 candles.
3: It will return 900 candles.
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Below API does not support multiple IDs in URL as a Parameter. You have to send only one ID or Symbol name at a time with the request. And 2h, 4h return maximum 300 candles in 1 request.
1 credit count for each 300 candles returned (rounded up).
We provide a simple and easy to use latest historical API which returns the previous 900 candle which is the latest and easy to watch the latest market. Use "Level" paramerter to control number of candles. level=1 return 300 candles,. level=2 return 600 candles, level=3 return 900 candles.
Request by ID latest 300 candles
Returns the specific period historical exchange rate data between two specified dates for all available symbols by using FROM/TO parameters. Here symbol would be two currencies with the slash between them and put the first date in FROM while putting the second date in TO. So you can get the historical data of the exchange rate for a specific period.
Request between specific date-time
& TO
Parameter If you always need the latest history upto 900 candles, then you must have to take care of From/To parameter, that should not be assigned and remove them from URL, Then it will work better, With FROM and TO parameter it will take more time in response.
Response It will return the response for the above forex historical API with different index keys(o, h, l, c, t, tm) which shows the open, high, low, close, time in unix, and time in standard format values for the data of specific historical candles in forex.
The History API returns a maximum of 900 candles in just 1 response, whether or not you set parameters (from/to).
status: boolean The status of this request's response. | |||||||
code: integer The code of this request's response. | |||||||
msg: string The massage of this request's response. | |||||||
response: array
| |||||||
info: array
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": {
"1679050800": {
"o": 1.06335,
"h": 1.064,
"l": 1.0616,
"c": 1.063,
"v": 1,
"t": 1679050800,
"tm": "2023-03-17 11:00:00"
"info": {
"id": 1,
"decimal": 4,
"symbol": "EUR/USD",
"period": "1h",
"server_time": "2023-03-18 16:06:36 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
In the forex market, it is up to the investor how they analyze the previous and the current market trend before investing in forex and make a profitable entry. Market Trend / Signals API is specially developed for those peoples who want to know market trends or want to develop forex indicator. Our Indicators OR Buy/Sell Signals are calculated on the base of the previous 300 candles in a specific time period.
Check below different kinds of signals or indicators data.
A pivot point serves as a crucial support/resistance level, often used by traders to forecast market direction as a possible indicator of market movement. It is determined by averaging key prices (high, low, close) from the prior trading period. This helps identify potential resistance and support zones in forex trading. Our pivot points, resistance, and support levels are derived from the previous high, open, and close prices.
Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only 1 ID/Symbol name at a time with API request.
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Forex ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.
= Any supported time period It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, pivot points. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
Default: 1h
Valid values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
Alternate values: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Request by ID
Pivot Point response include latest candle pivot point, 3 Resistance and 3 Support points in selected time period.
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": {
"pivot_point": {
"classic": {
"pp": 1.0746,
"R1": 1.0758,
"R2": 1.077,
"R3": 1.0782,
"S1": 1.0734,
"S2": 1.0722,
"S3": 1.071
"fibonacci": {...},
"camarilla": {...},
"woodie": {...},
"demark": {...}
"overall": {
"summary": "Neutral",
"change_at": "2024-05-09 10:12:01",
"msg": "summary based on all SMA,EMA,Pivot Points and indicators"
"info": {
"id": 1,
"decimal": 4,
"symbol": "EUR/USD",
"period": "1d",
"disclaimer": "...",
"update": "18 seconds ago",
"update_time": "2024-05-09 10:12:01 UTC",
"server_time": "2024-05-09 10:12:19 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
The Moving Average (MA) is a trend-following indicator that traders use to evaluate the average market value based on the last 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, or 200 candles. This API provides you with the MA values for the latest active candle.
To retrieve the SMA for a 5-minute or 7-day period, simply specify the period (in minutes or days) in the period parameter. The response will include both Simple Moving Average (SMA) and Exponential Moving Average (EMA) values.
Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only 1 ID/Symbol name at a time with API request.
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Forex ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.
= Any supported time period It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, Moving Averages. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
Default: 1h
Valid values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
Alternate values: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Request by ID
Response get latest candle's Moving average values including Simple moving average and Exponential with Buy OR Sell signals
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": {
"count": {
"Total_Buy": 4,
"Total_Sell": 6,
"Total_Neutral": 2
"ma_avg": {
"SMA": {
"MA5": {
"v": 0.95641,
"s": "Buy"
"MA10": {
"v": 0.95591,
"s": "Buy"
"MA20": {...},
"MA50": {...},
"MA100": {...},
"MA200": {...}
"EMA": {...},
"summary": "Neutral"
"overall": {
"summary": "Neutral",
"change_at": "2023-08-30 18:23:22",
"msg": "summary based on all SMA,EMA,Pivot Points and indicators"
"info": {
"id": 2,
"decimal": 4,
"symbol": "EUR/CHF",
"period": "1d",
"disclaimer": "...",
"update": "just now",
"update_time": "2023-08-30 18:46:14 UTC",
"server_time": "2023-08-30 18:46:14 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
Technical indicators are based on leading forex tools and top forex indicators such as MA, RSI, STOCH, ATR, and more. These indicators are essential for crafting effective and profitable forex trading strategies. Our API is built to deliver the most up-to-date technical indicator values. The response will provide you with real-time values for these crucial indicators. Each data point represents the latest value for a specific currency pair exchange.
Below API does not support multiple ids in URL as a parameter. Send only one ID/Symbol name at a time with API request.
= API_KEY id
= Any valid ID To get all list of Forex ID's or Symbols use "List API" below.
= Any valid short name Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.
= Any supported time period It is required in a few endpoints API request, when you request for candle prices, history, signals, moving average lines, Technical Indicator. So you need to specify which time frames data you want.
Default: 1h
Valid values: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 5h, 1d, 1w, month
Alternate values: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1440, 10080, 43200
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Request by ID
Request by symbol
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": {
"count": {
"Total_Buy": 7,
"Total_Sell": 0,
"Total_Neutral": 0
"indicators": {
"RSI14": {
"v": 51.9678,
"s": "Buy"
"STOCH9_6": {
"v": 43.0012,
"s": "Buy"
"STOCHRSI14": {...},
"MACD12_26": {...},
"WilliamsR": {...},
"CCI14": {...},
"ATR14": {...},
"UltimateOscillator": {...},
"ROC": {...},
"summary": "Strong Buy"
"overall": {
"summary": "Neutral",
"change_at": "2023-08-30 18:23:22",
"msg": "summary based on all SMA,EMA,Pivot Points and indicators"
"info": {
"id": 2,
"decimal": 4,
"symbol": "EUR/CHF",
"period": "1d",
"disclaimer": "...",
"update": "just now",
"update_time": "2023-08-30 19:14:02 UTC",
"server_time": "2023-08-30 19:14:02 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
Get real-time indicators as economic events are announced and see the immediate impact of global markets, including past, forecast, and actual figures.
1 credit count for each 50 events returned (rounded up).
= API_KEY symbol
= Any valid short name Note: At least one "id" or "symbol" parameter is required.
= Any valid country e.g: US,JP,GB from
= Supported format: 2023-08-30 to
= Supported format: 2023-08-30 to
= Any valid event name To get all history of event
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
Get All Event Today date
Get All Event Specific date
Get by Currency Today
Get by Country Today
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 326627,
"event": "JPRSMM",
"title": "Retail Sales MoM",
"indicator": "Retail Sales MoM",
"comment": "...",
"country": "JP",
"currency": "JPY",
"importance": 0,
"period": "Jul",
"actual": "",
"forecast": "",
"previous": -0.4,
"source": "Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (METI)",
"scale": "",
"unit": "",
"date": "2023-08-30 23:50:00"
"info": {
"from": "2023-08-30 00:00:00",
"to": "2023-08-30 23:59:00",
"server_time": "2023-08-30 19:25:37 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
This API is like website search. You can search all currency with similar name. It will search in currency full name and short name. Response Return upto 20 result.
= Any words to search strict
= any valid value Default: 0
Valid values: 0, 1
0: search if any word exist
1: search if all words exist
= When you want a specific type of symbols Forex/Crypto currency. Default: both
Valid values: forex, crypto, both
= Set your API response format. Default: json
Valid values: json, jsonp, object, xml, serialize and array
https://fcsapi.com/api-v3/forex/search?s=EURO Dollar&access_key=API_KEY
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Euro US Dollar",
"short_name": "EUR/USD",
"type": "forex",
"decimal": 4
"id": 2,
"name": "Euro Swiss Franc",
"short_name": "EUR/CHF",
"type": "forex",
"decimal": 4
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-09-06 21:53:51 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
When you need to access multiple API endpoints simultaneously, it can be a time-consuming. You can write custom codeto send parallel API requests or simply use this API for a faster solution. For example, if you're calling 10 APIs and each takes 2 seconds, that adds up to 10 x 2 = 20 seconds. We've designed this API to tackle that time delay. With this API, you can retrieve all 10 results in just 2 seconds!
= API_KEY base
= url e.g: https://fcsapi.com/ url[]
= enter 1st API url from where you want to get response url[1]
and its support all parametrs that used in any API
Note:Please use URL in url_encode format, also this API params only accepts params in GET format
Example 1
We need to get response from History of 2 Ids Id = 1,2.
Example 2 With Base
Example 3: (multiple parameters for all URL)
We will get EUR/USD latest API, profile, history, indicator.
Example 4: (Simple) (Also support POST format)
We will use similiar parameters only once.
"your-array-index-1": [
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [...],
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-09-06 21:53:51 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
"your-array-index-2": [
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"msg": "Successfully",
"response": [...],
"info": {
"server_time": "2023-09-06 21:53:51 UTC",
"credit_count": 1
Prices, Market trends and signals are not designed for trading purpose, These signals are only for education or non-commercial purpose use. Data contained in this application/website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate and so prices may not be accurate and may differ from the actual market price, meaning prices are indicative and not appropriate for trading purposes. Therefore we doesn`t bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data.
Latest price minimum refresh rate is 5 Seconds.